Goin for that 300. Dont get it twisted just cuz u hear a nigga spit pimpin to these gold diggaz.. aint shyt sweet bihh...i still stay Boss'n out From the bottom of dem trenches...OAN Ive alwayz liked that dat blue fire from the 1990 teenage mutant ninja turtle movie when they mastered themselves. So i decided to Boss da flow onetime and get it in them trenches with a thowback 16 for my liveFeed... moreGoin for that 300. Dont get it twisted just cuz u hear a nigga spit pimpin to these gold diggaz.. aint shyt sweet bihh...i still stay Boss'n out From the bottom of dem trenches...OAN Ive alwayz liked that dat blue fire from the 1990 teenage mutant ninja turtle movie when they mastered themselves. So i decided to Boss da flow onetime and get it in them trenches with a thowback 16 for my liveFeed MixVideoTape. .#4SeasonATL #TrenchGuardianCypha